Rewards & Recognition

Celebrating our team’s achievements!
From peer-to-peer recognition to personalized rewards, we recognize the unique talents and achievements of every team member.

Celebrating Excellence

Here, we take pride in celebrating our achievements and milestones, recognizing the hard work and dedication of our team, and acknowledging the support of our clients and partners.
We believe that our success is a result of our commitment to providing exceptional service, innovative solutions, and continuous improvement.

Quarter-1 2024

The Game Changer
Vaibhav Bhutkar & Sujay Mane
Shining Star Award
Deeksha Shrivastava

Quarter-4 2023

The Game Changer
Prachi Bhende
Shining Star Award
Apil Faterpenkar

Half Yearly-2 2023

League of Super Heroes
Ravindra Shivdas
Suyash Muley
Ruturaj Maggirwar
The highflyer
Navin Prasad

Quarter-3 2023

The Game Changer
Suyash Muley
Shining Star Award
Zeba Shaikh

Quarter-2 2023

The Game Changer

Vivek Alhat

Shining Star Award

Bhakti Shete

Half Yearly-1 2023

League of Super Heroes

Yogita Kadam
Akshay Ghadge
ANgha Ramdohokar

The highflyer

Angha Ramdohokar

Quarter-1 2023

The Game Changer

Mohit Sharma

Shining Star Award

Aishwarya Agrawal

We are grateful for these awards and recognitions, and we remain committed to delivering exceptional service and solutions to our clients. We believe that our success is a reflection of our team’s hard work, dedication, and passion for innovation.